Make the best five card combination possible out of the cards dealt to you. Score points by winning chips from other players. Score bounty points by knocking out your opponents.…
Tag: gambling
Super Slots
Super Slots is a research project into optimal experience. Have fun and don’t forget to submit a highscore!
Bumerjack is a cross between blackjack and pinball. Try to get 21 in each of the four columns. If you get 21 when the blue light is lite up, you…
Video slot SAFARI
This is a five-reel slot featuring a bonus game and a game of odds. You can play 1 to 20 lines. The total size of the wager depends on the…
Trendyhead Slots
Play Trendyhead slots and compete for the highest score. Bonus round includes double the bet when you hit any items. Double your chance for the highest score. Visit for…
Who does not know the card game “poker”? But in this case it’s the online game! The rules remain the same! Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen…
Casino Slot Machine
Just another Slot game… but is it really just another one? Show your gambling skills to the World and save your result on high score list of all times. Be…
Green Ball Gambling
Let’s get ready to gamble! Invest your money, predict future movements of bouncing balls, and win even millions!